The Sine Dolore Association emerges as a social initiative of a group that is undervalued by society and institutions: patients suffering from chronic pain. A group of patients and Dr. Jordi Moya have, in Menorca, this happy idea that, later, has been spreading throughout Spain.
Due to medical terminology, patients with chronic pain are grouped into different etiological or gnosologic pathologies, with little or nothing in common, except for the suffering and the professionals who fight it: specialist in the treatment of pain. These two facts have contributed to the constitution of the Association giving entrance, not only to patients and relatives, but also to doctors and other professionals sensitized with the problem.
As is well known, pain is a pathology with its own entity recognized by the WHO, which entails a cost between 2.2 and 2.8 of the GDP of the industrialized countries; the suitability of the treatment is an inalienable right of all patients, and to carry it through an obligation of health professionals. We believe that this explains sufficiently the reason why doctors should be involved in the development of this and other initiatives that recognize pain as a problem. Sine Dolore focuses exclusively on the fight against pain, complementing, as far as possible, other initiatives that already existed: Scientific Societies, Patient Associations, Foundations and Institutes that study and fight the same problem.
An Association of these characteristics is not a Scientific Society or pretend to be one, of course, but its associates need a way of access to scientific advances, and what is more important, the possibility of directly exposing Science and the Institutions what they are your needs and doubts.
Patients are a fundamental axis around which research and development of future treatments should revolve, as well as the rest of the factors that affect them (right to information, etc.). In this sense, there are concrete and solid examples within our field that support very similar lines of action: Cancer, Diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Sclerosis, etc.), all of them being considered as an example of coexistence between different groups with a common purpose : improve the treatment of a disease / pathology, aimed at achieving a better quality of life.