Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation awarded the Sine Dolore World Park Excellence Award to the five doctors who founded the Spanish Association against Pain Sine Dolore in 2004, 15 years ago. These are the doctors MARIA LUISA FRANCO GAY, ALICIA ALONSO CARDAÑO, JUAN VACA OLMOS, JORDI GUITART VELA and ALFONSO VIDAL MARCOS.
This recognition was carried out during the Grand Sine Dolore Gala that took place in the Main Theater of Mahón as the closing ceremony of the fifth edition of the Sine Dolore World Park 2019.
The show "Músiques que combaten mals" has starred in the first part of the Gala, gathering on stage the voices of María Camps, Jenny Hepworth and Jaume Gelabert, accompanied by Birgit Euler (violin), Mónica Preto (piano), Mercedes González ( flute and accordion), Tolo Mercadal, Ionas Mercadal, Ariadna Mercadal and Xavier Mercadal (clarinets), as well as the Ute Dahl dance school. He presented the Jordi Odri gala under the direction and piano of Marlén Coll.
In addition, during the event, scientific prizes have also been awarded for the Sine Dolore 2019 Forum.
Award to Dr. Alfonso Vidal Marcos
Award to Dr. Alicia Alonso
Dr. Juan Manuel Vaca Award
Award to Dr. Maria Luisa Franco
Dr. Jordi Guitart Award