Mahón, January 30, 2020
The Sine Dolore Foundation has advanced this morning the details of the sixth edition of the Sine Dolore World Park 2020 during the Plenary Session of the Social Services Council of Menorca.
Caritas, Cruz Roja, PIME, CAEB, Fons Menorquí de Cooperació, Territorial Delegation of Education in Menorca, the Social Welfare departments of the eight town halls of Menorca, the technicians of said area, the Official College of Physicians of the Balearic Islands, and In short, all the social agents of the Island involved in the care of the most needy people have had the opportunity to see first hand the Sine Dolore World Park (SDWP), whose sixth edition will be held in Menorca from 1 to 10 May 2020.
The president of Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation, Dr. Jordi Moya, said that in Spain more than eight million people suffer pain and that throughout Europe there are hundreds of entities, associations, foundations and organizations that are dedicated to the fight against pain and the defense of patients' rights. Moya has said that the Sine Dolore World Park arouses great interest in the Old Continent and has warned of the existence of several projects in various countries that intend to copy the idea on a large scale, so that, if that happened, Menorca would cease to be a pioneer in the field of the fight against pain and, therefore. The SDWP would no longer be the only theme park in the world against pain and for the quality of life.
Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation thanks the invitation of the Minister of Social Welfare of the Insular Council of Menorca, Barbara Torrent, by offering the entity this opportunity to make known once again to the Menorcan society all the information related to the SDWP.